Tag Archives: NY design camp

Weekend Shakedown

18 Nov

We had just a romping good time this lovely weekend. I sound sarcastic but it was honestly good, easy going and oh so nice to enjoy the hubs, hold his hand like we were 13-years-old again and ramble on and on about our week. Being apart sure does have a way of making you appreciate your weekends spent joined at the hip.

As always, my heart hurt a bit when he left town. But heck, we’ll be together for Thanksgiving in about two days so it’s like marriage bliss around these parts.

This is what kept my eyes and ears all perky this weekend:

Textile Taxidermy – Sequined and laced birds and pug heads, say what? Go check it out at blog Out of the Birdcage.

These pastel succulent wreaths. I just want to pinch those leaves like little baby’s cheeks. Weird, I know.

This recap of a NY Design Camp. Because you know I’m digging organized craft endeavors right now. Must be a winter thing.

Pineapples on staircases. Why, welcome!

Exploring and fawning over Young House Love: 243 ways to paint, craft, update and show your home some love

Stalking people who are putting the finishing touches on their quilts in time for QuiltCon

Exploring this enchanting nursery that is cup-runneth-over with DIY ideas

The new Winter styles introduced over at TOMS. Wouldn’t mind a bit if those grey polka dot shoes ended up on my doorstep.

Alrighty then. Did you find anything incredibly enticing and potentially fatal for the wallet or otherwise this weekend?